Friday, March 9, 2007

2nd update to reported defected Iranian minister

Elder at Elder of Ziyon has a unique take on this whole mess.

"Eight of the CIA's top regional specialists, including the CIA's Near East director Robert Ames, were among those who died, something that explains America's continued reluctance to downgrade its listing of Hizbollah as anything but a terrorist group."

"You see, in the Telegraph's universe, attacking Israel with thousands of rockets and training and supporting Palestinian Arabs to kill Jewish women and children are not terror attacks and not indicative of Hezbollah being a terror organization. Killing hundreds of Marines and others with truck bombs is also A-OK and should not affect how much the world respects Hezbollah. Only because the US is still sensitive over the largest loss of life in a single attack before 9/11 does the US refuse to do the intellectual and enlightened move of treating Hezbollah as a respected political party."
I like Elder's unique point of view. He saw a little deeper into the story than I did. For me, it was just the surface that was complete hogwash. Elder showed that there was more just under its anti-Israel skin.

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