Sunday, February 11, 2007

Offensive Bullets?

Post from April 18, 2006:


Ok, now I know that Political Correctness has hit an all time HIGH. We can no longer SHOOT our ENEMIES with bullets that may be offensive to our ENEMIES. So, are we to believe that they would prefer to be shot with USA bullets? ..."Hey, if I were to be shot and nearly killed, then I want it to be a USA bullet and not some bullet made by a JEW cause that would be really bad".


The Israeli bullets were purchased because they met our strict standards and could fill our shortfall that we are experiencing. But, this stupid congressman wants them to be used only for training missions???

Which is better? To be stabbed with a 6" USA knife or a 6" Islamic knife of the same shape and characteristics??? AAAARRGGHH!!! Give me a break!

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