Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Obama = Che Guevara

I found this while perusing the net. This blog cites the Ohio Morning Journal about the Ohio judge that recently reviewed the case of lethal injections as a means of the death penalty.
Framed posters of Barack Obama, Che Guevara and Henry David Thoreau hang in the office of Lorain County Common Pleas Judge James Burge.

The judge, who is conducting hearings on the constitutionality of Ohio's method for putting prisoners to death, said he respects those who back up words with action and that Thoreau, the 19th-century philosopher, was his first role model.

''I tend to admire people who in my opinion go beyond their speech -- they actually do what they say,'' Burge said.
The Journal link only shows a highly cropped image. I will place it here.

After winning election in 2006, Burge quickly showed his independence by filling two key positions on his staff with convicted felons, saying their legal experience made up for their criminal records.
So, a hard-hitting judge hires convicted felons to be part of his staff and admires both Guevara and Obama. Thus there must be something similar between the two. Right? Could that be Communism and Socialism? Or just Communism? Or could it be the willingness to kill people when he does not get his way?

Please note all the Guevara and Pro-Communist\Anti-Capitalist propaganda that occurs during May Day (May 1 or pro-COMMUNISM) parades. And now, this respected judge sees a connection between Obama and Guevara??


scott bakalar said...

What about Thoreau?
You forgot to mention that he also has a poster of Thoreau along with Obama and Guevara.

Which of course, makes the equation Obama = Thoreau impossible.

Anonymous said...

This judge is garbage, and should be fired and sent to bed with no pension. So many talented artists for Obama. His 'Change', 'Hope' and 'Progress' mantras are actually somewhat self-mocking. Making your own Obama posters is totally addicting, I laughed so hard I almost had a breakdown. LOL!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
always hope for hope

push for change at all costs
change can never be bad

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
only feel and hope

please make people change
change can only be good

Make Some Obama Posters NOW!
Appeasement Talk Bothers Appeasers
Help Halt Terrorism Now!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!